How to – My Account
A: Click on your name in the very top right-hand corner and select “Account”. This will take you to your own personal account page. From here you can edit your name or reset your password. You can also opt out of receiving opportunity and product matching emails by selecting the Email Opt Out box.
Also, from here you can edit your company profile.
Q: How do I edit my company profile?
A: To edit your company profile, first you need to go into your account profile. Click on your name in the very top right-hand corner and select “Account”. This will take you to your own personal account page.
Once in your account select the “Edit Company Profile” button.
All of the information, except the Company Name, can be edited. If you need the Company Name updated, please contact us at [email protected].
Q: How do I add a new user?
A: Go to your company profile and under section 2 (User Information) you will see a button Add New User.
Click on that box and then enter the users First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Title (this is used for display in the Directory and in our Invitation to Bid system), and click on Save.
The email address that you entered will receive an email with a link to click on to complete the creation of their account. It will ask the user to setup a secure password.