How To – Opportunity and Product Matching

Q: What is Opportunity and Product Matching?

A: Opportunity and Product matching is a service that automatically searches through projects and finds relevant projects for you based on keywords that you have entered.

For more information on how to set up opportunity matching, check out this helpful video:

Q: What’s the difference between Opportunity Matching and Product Matching?

A: They are both similar in that they search through projects based on keywords that you entered.

Opportunity matching searches for project related keywords such as “drywall” or “excavator”.

Product matching is geared more towards manufacturers and suppliers so that they can enter in makes and models of products that are relevant to them. Once they are notified of projects that specify these makes or models, they can sell their products to the project owner or GCs that are bidding on the project.

Q: How do I setup Opportunity or Product Matching?

A: To setup your opportunity matching, click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and go into your account settings. Once in your account settings, click on “Edit Company Profile”. Under section 7 – Categories, you can enter in keywords into the “Matching keywords” for opportunity matching and “Product Matching Keywords” for product matching.

Next, click on 9 – Notifications and Dashboard Settings. This will allow to you to select your preferred Zone(s) or regions for project search and opportunity matching results that appear in daily emails, Dashboard and Project Search.

Once you have setup your keywords, you will start receiving emails every night for relevant projects (or open Permits) that match your keywords and they will also appear in your dashboard too.

For more information on how to set up opportunity matching, check out this helpful video:

Q: I’m not getting Opportunity or Product matching emails

A: The first thing to check is that you’re not set as ‘opt-out’ for emails. To do this, click on your name in the top right hand corner, then click on “Account”. Once your account loads, make sure that “Email Opt Out” IS NOT checked!.

If that’s unchecked and you’re still not receiving emails, check to see if those emails are in your spam / junk folder. If they aren’t you’ll want to contact your email provider and make sure that is whitelisted in your spam filter settings.

For more information on opting in / out of opportunity matching emails, check out this helpful video:

Q: I don’t have the option to set up Product Matching keywords

A: This is because your company is not setup as a manufacturer/supplier in your company profile. To set this, click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and go into your account settings. Once in your account settings, click on “Edit Company Profile”. Under section 3 – Business Category, make sure that Manufacturer/Supplier is checked. Once Manufacturer/Supplier is checked, the “Product Matching Keyword” will be available.

Q: Where does Opportunity and Product Matching search?

A: Each evening, the system will automatically search through the project info along with all of the tender documents, addendas, and plans for your keywords. If any keywords are matched, it will display the results in an email and also display on your dashboard.

Q: If I unsubscribe from Opportunity / Product Matching, will the rest of my team still receive them?

A: Yes – If you opt out of receiving Opportunity and Product Matching emails, anyone else on your team that has not opted out will still receive them. If you unsubscribe from emails, you will still see matched projects on your dashboard.